Those who have been summoned for
Jury Duty for
are required to appear at 9:30 A.M.
Please arrive early to allow for parking
and to be checked in on the 1st floor
by both the District Clerk's Office & the Treasurers' Office
before heading to the 2nd floor Courtroom.
Please have your Jury Summons filled out
before your arrival.
You are expected to be here ALL day.
If you have misplaced your Summons, please print and fill out a new one to bring with you on the day of service:
Claim for a Permanent Exemption for JURY Service Based on Age (Over 75 years of age)
** As of September 1, 2023, the Permanent Exemption Age for Jury has changed to 75 years of age
Claim for a Permanent Exemption for GRAND JURY Service Based on Age (70 or over years of age)